

Japan Compass Adjusters' Association since 1971

in English (Mail & Fax)

The receptionist by e-mail or Fax reserve

Please request for a compass adjuster through the Japan Compass adusters' Association (JCAA) or via your agent or shipyard as necessary using this application form.
Last deviation adjusted record is very useful for us. Please send if it is possible.

2024.03.31 Documents are new. Please use either double-sided printing or single-sided printing by pasting them together.

1. Please download documents. PDF(in English)
2. Please You want to carry out e-mail (or Fax) directly.

Mail Adress (To Headquarters)
↑ Please devote yourself to this passage.
Fax Number 03-6734-0713 (JAPAN)


shop info.店舗情報

Japan Compass Adjusters' Association

2-29-38 Okubo, Shinjyuku-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN(Kazuhiko Arai)